Thursday, October 27, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Wednesday Oct. 25
Wednesday October 25, 2011
Today In Science We Finished Presenting Out Articles. Then Had Some Time At The End Of Class To Discus With Our Groups About Our Big Project.
The Article Presentations- They Were Over Global Warming, Fracking Waste Water, Heating And Cooling, Ways Climate Affects Crops And So On. The Main Idea Of These Articles Is To Get Us Informed On What's Really Going On In Our World Today. Mostly It Was To Educate Us On Things That Are Effected Our World. For Example, There Are A Lot More Diseases In The World Now That We Are Using Many More Chemicals.
Today In Science We Finished Presenting Out Articles. Then Had Some Time At The End Of Class To Discus With Our Groups About Our Big Project.
The Article Presentations- They Were Over Global Warming, Fracking Waste Water, Heating And Cooling, Ways Climate Affects Crops And So On. The Main Idea Of These Articles Is To Get Us Informed On What's Really Going On In Our World Today. Mostly It Was To Educate Us On Things That Are Effected Our World. For Example, There Are A Lot More Diseases In The World Now That We Are Using Many More Chemicals.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Leanring new words
Today in Science, we learned four new words. We learned about Toxic, Sediment, Nutrient, and Bacterial pollution. Toxic pollutants are generally cinsidered to be a material that causes death, for example a battery acid. Sediments are consists of soil, sand and minerals washed from land into water usually after rain. Nutrient is the contamination of water resources by excessive amounts of water, like human waste. Bacterial is tiny microscopect living organisms that can make air pollution. After we learned all these we took a short 12 question quiz over these four words.
Friday, October 21, 2011
10-21-11 Daily blog
Today in class we worked on our project. We are making a comic strip. It is about the water quality movie we watched. Ours is about the water-cycle, the uses of water, the pollutants, and two ways to solve it.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Tuesday in Class October 18th
Tuesday October 18
Today we did an assignment out of our books about the three main cycles, they were the water cycle, the carbon cycle, and the nitrogen cycle. Some people were allowed to check out books over night if they didn't get finished during class. This is due the beginning of class Wednesday.
Some things that I think are good to know are:
-how waste water is filtered and the separate steps taken to purify it
-how plants and animals get nitrogen
-what the difference between free nitrogen and nitrogen already processed by bacteria is
what I wondered was what happens if there is too much or too little free nitrogen in the air.
Today we did an assignment out of our books about the three main cycles, they were the water cycle, the carbon cycle, and the nitrogen cycle. Some people were allowed to check out books over night if they didn't get finished during class. This is due the beginning of class Wednesday.
Some things that I think are good to know are:
-how waste water is filtered and the separate steps taken to purify it
-how plants and animals get nitrogen
-what the difference between free nitrogen and nitrogen already processed by bacteria is
what I wondered was what happens if there is too much or too little free nitrogen in the air.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Daily Blog, Tuesday October 12th.
Today we went to the pond to take a temperature test of the water. We also collected water samplesto do later water quality tests. After recording and collecting our samples we came back to the school.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
On Wednesday this week we took our first real test. It required alot of study if you wanted to do very well on it and who wouldnt? But there were some questions on the test i didnt know, but i took an educated guess. These were the questions:
What is the PH of battery acids?
Which one of the following is not a scientific base unit
A. Second
B. Meter
C. Feet
D. Kilogram
I also thought the base unit question were challeging. You just had to remember the saying:
What is the PH of battery acids?
Which one of the following is not a scientific base unit
A. Second
B. Meter
C. Feet
D. Kilogram
I also thought the base unit question were challeging. You just had to remember the saying:
October 13
Today we tested the dissolved oxygen in five water samples. We did this with the probe. After we got the five readings we answered two questions on what would happen if there was to much or to little dissolved oxygen in the water, and what dissolved oxygen did.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Class Activities on 10-11-2011
In our class we finally got to the point of taking a test. As we prepared for our test we were given a study guide. This study guide had the majority, if not all of the questions on it that are going to be on the test. I thought this was very convenient and will help improve test scores. We were able to work on the review which added up to be a little under 80 questions. After we finished the review we went over it, correcting wrong anwers and questions. A big questions many missed was "what is the water cycle called?" many put transpiration cycle, while the real answer is the hydrologic cycle. That was the most missed question and the others were just human error rather than actually not knowing what the answer was. As for being prepared for the test I think our class will do well on the test.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
daily blog oct 5
Well today we didnt do much except watch mythbusters. they tested quite a few myths. they tested if a postage stamp was enough to critically unbalance a helicopter to the point that it would crash. so what the did was get a 1/7 scale model of helicopter and put seventh of a postage stamp on one of the blades. that didnt do anything so they then tested it on the real thing. again, it only affected the blades by 1 one thousandth of an inch. they also tested, or more or less found why dropping mentos in diet coke creates a geiser. the did research and found that it was due to four things: the CO2, the aspartame, the caffeine, and the nucleation that that pitted surface of the mentos causes.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Daily Blog: October 4th!!!
Daily Blog:
Today in science class we tested several materials' pH's. Once we did that then we decided whether or not, by the pH if the material was acidic- acid contained, alkaline- a base, or lastly a neutral- having neither base, or acidic properties. Lastly, we took a quiz on the things we learned about each one of those definitions, and applied it to an actual material. What i learned from the things we did in science class today were, how to figure out whether a material is acidic, alkaline, or neutral.
Today in science class we tested several materials' pH's. Once we did that then we decided whether or not, by the pH if the material was acidic- acid contained, alkaline- a base, or lastly a neutral- having neither base, or acidic properties. Lastly, we took a quiz on the things we learned about each one of those definitions, and applied it to an actual material. What i learned from the things we did in science class today were, how to figure out whether a material is acidic, alkaline, or neutral.
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