Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Lilly's Cancer Blog.

5 things i learned from this cancer project:

1. p53 is a genetic mutation that affects the control of the cell cycle or the check points.

2. cancer can be passed down from family.

3. malignant is cancerous, and can cause damage.

4. Benign is not cancerous.

5. i learned that there are many different types of cancer.

One thing i liked about the project is i learned a lot of new things i didn't know about the cancer i researched. it was a cancer that has affected mine and my family's life and it was really great to learn more about breast cancer.

One thing i didn't like about it was that i didn't find everything i was looking for. there were still unanswered questions.

unanswered questions:

1. what is the youngest someone can get breast cancer?

2. why does cancer spread so quickly?

Taylor Cosper's Cancer Blog

Five Things I Learned From This Cancer Project
- Malignant is a cancerous item
- Benign is a non-cancerous item
- Also, that carcinogens are cancer causing chemicals
- I also learned what p53 is. It is a genetic mutation that affects the control of the cell cycle or cell checkpoints.
- I also learned that end result of the cycle of Meiosis is you end up with 4 haploid gametes.
Two Questions That Were Not Answered During This Cancer Project
- Is there a test you can take to determine whether or not your whole family can get a cancer.
- What is going on in stage 3 of a cancer.
One Thing Liked About The Cancer Project
- One thing I liked about this project is that if someone didn't do his/her work it didn't affect everybody in the entire groups grade. Also that you picked the groups.
One Thing Not Liked About The Cancer Project
- One thing I did not like about this project was that we had to present them.

Ashley's Cancer Blog

5 things I learned:

I learned what metastasis is. Metastasis is the movement of cancer cells from one region of the body to another.
I learned that pancreatic cancer is a "silent killer" because it is rarely caught in the early stages.
I learned was that tumors form from cancerous cells that divide rapidly.
I also learned that all tumors are not cancerous, some are benign while others are malignant.
I learned that there are checkpoints in the cell cycle. They are the G1, G2, and spindle checkpoints.


If someone had a family history of cancer, does that person have a high risk of getting cancer?
Is there an age that people have the highest risk of getting cancer in general?


I liked how every group got a different cancer to research so we could learn about multiple cancers, and the presentations were not repetitive.

Didn't Like:

I did not like how we only got about a week to do this project. I think it would have been better if we had more time.

Cancer project

In this project I learned that all tumors are not cancerous. I also learned that the malfunction in p59 is the mutation that allows cancer cell to grow. I also learned that cancer can be caused by many things from some food and drink ingredients and from naturally occurring chemicals.
I still have questions on what is the safest way to treat cancer, and what is the most common type of cancer?
My favorite part of the project is that you get to pretend that you are the doctor and choose what type of cancer it is.
The peace I dislike about this project is that it when by quickly and we werer rushed throug the whole thing.