Sunday, May 6, 2012

Wind Turbine Questions

Which rotor had the most power and why...?

Our second design had the most power, we used syrafoam cups and dowel rods and it was really light. where our other design was made out of really thick plastic and was WAY to heavy to have the wind move it without a lot of force.

What was different about the design of the windmill that did the best...?

The windmill that did the best was horizontal where ours was vertical, its blades were very long and made out of a somewhat light material. Where our cups were short and stubby.

What are the limitations to your model...?

the cups were too small at first to catch enough wind to move, so we had to modifiy them to catch more wind. So we taped foam board to the sides of them to make them wider and catch more wind and it worked really well. it was a good solution to our problem.

How do an airplane and windmill use air pressure to fly and rotate...?

Both of them use Bernolli's Principle where if the wind is not blowing in the same direction with force then nothing will rotate and create energy. Because if the blades are not facing the same direction then the wind will just blow inbetween the blades, and not past them causing them to turn. like with a windmill and an airplanes motor.

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