Thursday, February 2, 2012

First of all I was wondering if plants can get cancer? If they can how do they go through metastasis because their circulitory system different

What I didn't like about this unit was when we were assigned to a cancer and I was assigned to prostate cancer, and I found it rather akward to talk about the prostate gland in front of my class mates.

What I liked on the other hand was that we were working in groups to explain the cancer that we were assigned.

I learned what metastasis is it is when cancer moves throughout the body through the circulitory system. I also learned about the different check points and that if they fail there is an uncontrolled multiplication of cells, that may or may not have mutations within them. Another thing is I didn't know that not all tumors are cancerous. I learned more about treatments for cancer, how radiation theropy focases on a specific place, and how chemotheropy makes you lose your hair because the hair folicals divide similarly to cancer cells. Lastly I learned that milignant is when a tumor is cancerous and bengin is when it is not.

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